Filtering by: Workshop

Workshop: Tropicals
8:00 AM08:00

Workshop: Tropicals

In the heat and humidity of a St. Louis summer, tropical trees really get growing. This is the best time to work them in our climate and allows for the greatest recovery before the long cold winter months set in. Join us to work on any tropical trees (repotting, styling, pruning) you have in your collection. Bring your own tree or buy one at Timberwinds.

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Workshop: Pines, Junipers, and Revisiting Past Projects
8:00 AM08:00

Workshop: Pines, Junipers, and Revisiting Past Projects

This month will be a grab bag of sorts with many different opportunities. This time of year is typically a good moment to decandle black and red pine in our climate. Bring a pine for advice on where, when, and how to decandle. Junipers can also be worked and styled at this time of year. Finally, any projects from past years can be brought to this workshop for help continuing their progress. All events are bring your own tree.

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Kid's Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Kid's Workshop

Bring along the young ones in your life to this hands-on experience. The club will provide starter material and work with attendees to help them take the first steps towards creating bonsai.

**All children must have an adult chaperone present at Timberwinds Nursery for the entirety of their participation in the workshop.

**Bonsai work involves the use of sharp tools and cutting instruments. Parents/guardians will need to sign a participation waiver before their child is allowed to participate in the workshop.

Open to friends, family and the general public.

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Workshop: Repotting
8:00 AM08:00

Workshop: Repotting

Come help out the club while learning invaluable repotting techniques. Club will be repotting club-owned junipers with hands on help from all members: beginners and experts alike. Afterwards, members will be free to bring a tree of their own and use some of the club’s soil to repot their own trees.

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Workshop: Early Repotting
9:00 AM09:00

Workshop: Early Repotting

*****UPDATED TIME: Start time for workshop has been updated to 9AM instead of 8AM. *****

Come repot trees with the club’s help at Timberwinds Nursery, winter weather permitting. Bring your own tree or buy one there. Members will be allowed to repot 1 medium tree or two small trees with club soil. Additional trees are $10 each.

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